handlebar mustache for men

The Handlebar Mustache: A Timeless Trend

The Handlebar Mustache: More than Just Facial Hair

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to the Handlebar Mustache
  2. A Glimpse into the Past
  3. Why is it Still in Vogue?
  4. Perfecting the Handlebar: A How-to
  5. Famous Faces with Handlebars
  6. Mustache Styles
  7. Conclusion: The Handlebar’s Timeless Allure

1. Introduction to the Handlebar Mustache

Have you ever encountered someone with a mustache so curvy and prominent that it reminded you of a bicycle’s handlebars? If so, you’ve come face-to-face with the iconic handlebar mustache. What makes this style so distinctive and sought after? Let’s delve into the world of handlebars and find out.

handlebar mustache beard for men

2. A Glimpse into the Past

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes,” Mark Twain once remarked. The handlebar mustache, with its deep roots in the past, is an apt representation of this thought.

The Victorian Era: A time when handlebars began to gain prominence, often symbolizing a man’s maturity and status in society.

World War I: Soldiers donned the handlebar, not just as a fashion statement but also as a symbol of bravery and valor.

Did you know? Handlebar mustaches became so popular during this time that special cups were designed to drink without wetting the mustache! Talk about commitment to a style!

3. Why is it Still in Vogue?

In a world of fleeting trends, the handlebar mustache’s persistent allure is quite an enigma. Why, you ask?

  • A Dash of Vintage: In an era of retro revival, the handlebar offers an authentic vintage look.
  • Statement Piece: While beards come and go, a well-groomed handlebar is a head-turner.
  • Versatility: From rock stars to academicians, this style transcends boundaries.

Could it be the charm of old-world sophistication, or does it resonate with the maverick in us all?

4. Perfecting the Handlebar Mustache: A How-to

Growing a handlebar mustache isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Patience and care are your best allies. Here’s a brief guide:

  1. Patience, Grasshopper: Let it grow, and resist frequent trimming.
  2. Wax On, Wax Off: Invest in a good mustache wax. It’s the sculptor’s clay for your facial masterpiece.
  3. Maintenance: Trim strategically. Remember, it’s about refining, not redefining.
  4. Seek Inspiration: Look up styles, maybe even from old family photographs.

Top Tip: Hydration is the key. Drink water and keep the skin healthy!

5. Famous Faces with Handlebars

The handlebar mustache has found favor among many over the years. Some iconic personalities include:

  • Charlie Chaplin: The silent movie maestro whose handlebar was as expressive as his acts.
  • Salvador Dalí: The eccentric artist who took the handlebar to surrealistic extremes.

Is the man remembered because of the mustache, or is the mustache remembered because of the man?

6. Mustache Styles & the Appeal of the Thinner Mustache

A mustache is a statement in itself. It can convey a person’s personality, style, or even their mood. Over the years, countless mustache styles have surfaced, each with its own unique allure. But of all the styles, the thinner mustache has its own distinct charm. Let’s delve into some popular mustache styles and then shine a spotlight on the understated elegance of the thinner mustache.

Popular Mustache Styles

  1. The Chevron: Think Tom Selleck. A full, thick mustache that covers the top border of the upper lip.
  2. The Walrus: As the name implies, this is a thick, bushy, droopy mustache, reminiscent of what you might see on a walrus.
  3. The Pencil: A thin, straight line of hair right above the upper lip, looking as if it was drawn using a pencil. Clark Gable rocked this style!
  4. The Handlebar Mustache: Curved ends that spiral towards the cheek, resembling bicycle handlebars.
  5. The Fu Manchu: Long, downward pointing ends, generally beyond the face, inspired by fictional character Dr. Fu Manchu.
  6. The Dali: Named after Salvador Dalí, the thin mustache with sharp, upward turns.
  7. The Horseshoe: Resembling an upside-down U or a horseshoe, this mustache connects to the sideburns.
  8. The Imperial: Primarily a handlebar mustache, but paired with whiskers pulled from the cheeks.
  9. The Lampshade: Resembles a lampshade, where the hair forms a square shape right above the lip.

The Charm of the Thinner Mustache

thinner mustache for men

The thinner mustache, such as the Pencil or the Dali, has its own unique appeal:

  • Elegance: It’s the epitome of suave and sophistication. When neatly trimmed, it lends an old-school charm reminiscent of the 1940s and 1950s movie stars.
  • Versatility: It’s versatile enough for both formal events and casual outings.
  • Maintenance: It’s much easier to maintain than its bushier counterparts. A little trim here and there, and you’re good to go.
  • Adaptability: While some mustache styles might look out of place without the accompanying beard, a thin mustache stands out and blends seamlessly, whether you’re clean-shaven or sporting some stubble.
  • Less Imposing: Unlike the thicker styles, a thinner mustache is subtle. It accentuates the face without overpowering it.
Curling the Mustache & The Art of Mustache Line-Up

curling moustache for men

There’s more to facial hair than just letting it grow. Cultivating the perfect mustache involves intricate care, and sometimes, a hint of flair. If you’ve ever been entranced by a well-curled mustache or marveled at a flawlessly lined-up mustache, you know there’s an art to it. Let’s delve into the nuances of curling a mustache and mastering the mustache line-up.

1. Curling the Mustache

The iconic curled mustache, reminiscent of vintage eras and silent movie stars, is a statement in itself. It’s all about the twist and the tools. Here’s how to achieve it:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Let It Grow: The longer the mustache, the easier it is to curl.
  2. Clean & Dry: Start with a clean, dry mustache. Wet hair can be tricky to shape.
  3. Apply Wax: Take a small amount of mustache wax. Warm it between your fingers to soften and then apply evenly.
  4. Twist & Curl: Starting from the center, twist the ends of your mustache outward, gradually curling them into the desired shape.
  5. Maintain: Regularly use beard oil to keep the hair healthy and flexible.

Top Tip: A fine-toothed comb can help evenly distribute the wax.

2. Mustache Line-Up

mustache line up for men

A sharp mustache line-up accentuates the face and adds a touch of sophistication. It’s the boundary that defines where the mustache starts and ends.

Key Steps:

  1. Choose Your Tools: A sharp, single-bladed razor or a precise trimmer works best.
  2. Define the Upper Line: The upper boundary should run naturally along the top of the mustache. Be wary of trimming too much, or it can look too thin.
  3. Define the Lower Line: This is typically along the lip line, ensuring the mustache doesn’t overhang onto the lip.
  4. Corners & Edges: The area where the mustache meets the beard or the cheek is crucial. It should be crisp, forming a clear delineation.
  5. Maintenance: Regular touch-ups, maybe once a week, help maintain the sharpness.

Remember: A steady hand and good lighting are your best friends during a line-up.

3.The Handlebar Mustache with Beard & A Mustache Styles Chart Overview

handlebar mustache with beard for men

Men’s facial hairstyles have always been a representation of personal taste, historical periods, and even signs of rebellion. From the classic handlebar mustache to a neat pencil line, choices are abundant. But what happens when you pair the handlebar mustache with a beard? And with so many mustache styles available, wouldn’t a chart be handy? Let’s dive in!

Handlebar Mustache with Beard

Defining the Look: The handlebar mustache, characterized by its twisted ends, often stands out as a distinctive style. Paired with a beard, it takes on a more rugged yet sophisticated look.

How to Achieve It:

  • Grow Out: Let both the mustache and beard grow. The longer the mustache, the better the twist at the ends.
  • Curl the Mustache: Use a quality mustache wax. Start at the center and twist the ends outwards, curling them into your desired shape.
  • Beard Maintenance: The beard can be kept full or trimmed, depending on preference. It should complement the mustache and not overshadow it.

Style Tip: The beard’s neckline should be well-defined to accentuate the face and highlight the handlebar mustache.

4.Skinny & Long Hair.

Facial hairstyles have historically been more than mere fashion statements. They have often been representative of eras, cultures, and individual personalities. While a full mustache or beard is quite popular, the allure of skinny mustaches, long hair with a mustache, and the classic handlebar mustache paired with a beard has its own unique charm. Let’s delve into each style’s specifics and appeal.

1. Skinny Mustaches

skinny mustaches for men

Also known as the ‘pencil’ mustache, the skinny mustache is a thin line of hair just above the upper lip.


  • Subtle: Unlike its bushier counterparts, the skinny mustache is a subtle nod to grooming without being overpowering.
  • Versatile: Works well for both formal and casual settings.
  • Celebrities: Think John Waters or a young Sammy Davis Jr.

Styling Tip: A steady hand and precision are crucial. Regular trims keep the mustache looking sharp.

2. Mustache with Long Hair

A mustache paired with long hair can evoke a sense of rebellion, free spirit, or an artistic temperament.


  • Bohemian Vibe: This combination often channels a bohemian, laid-back vibe.
  • Balance: The mustache should complement the long hair, ensuring one doesn’t overpower the other.
  • Icons: Musicians like Frank Zappa and artists from the ’60s and ’70s era often sported this look.

Styling Tip: Depending on hair texture and desired look, one might consider using hair and mustache grooming products to maintain the style.

Styling Tip: Ensure the beard doesn’t overshadow the handlebar mustache. Regular trims and grooming can maintain a balanced look.

5.Face, Thick, and Swirly Varieties

Mustaches have a unique way of shaping a person’s visage. From the most minimalist styles to the thickest bushes and artistic twists, every mustache tells a story. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the ever-fascinating face mustache, the commanding presence of thick mustache styles, and the whimsical charm of the swirly mustache.

1. Face Mustache

The term “face mustache” is somewhat ambiguous, as traditionally, all mustaches are on the face. However, when someone refers to a ‘face mustache’, they might be hinting at a mustache that significantly shapes or defines the face.


  • Prominent: Stands out as the most defining feature of the face.
  • Versatile: Can range from thin to thick, but its placement and grooming make it the centerpiece.

Styling Tip: Ensure other facial hair, if any, complements the mustache and doesn’t divert attention.

2. Thick Mustache Styles

Thick mustaches are bold, brimming with personality, and often reminiscent of vintage eras.

Popular Varieties:

  • The Chevron: A classic, full mustache that covers the upper lip, made popular by celebrities like Tom Selleck.
  • The Walrus: A bushy, overhanging mustache, which sometimes covers the mouth, evoking an image of its namesake animal.
  • The Horseshoe: Resembling an upside-down U, this thick mustache extends downwards, framing the mouth.

Styling Tip: Due to its volume, regular grooming is essential to maintain its shape and prevent it from looking unkempt.

3. Swirly Mustache

Also known as the ‘handlebar’, the swirly mustache is known for its curled ends, which can either be a subtle curve or an exaggerated spiral.


  • Distinctive: The curled ends are its defining feature, making it stand out in any crowd.
  • Flexible: Can be paired with a beard, goatee, or be worn on a clean-shaven face.
  • Historical Appeal: Evokes the style of the late 19th to early 20th centuries, bringing a touch of vintage charm.

Styling Tip: A quality mustache wax is crucial to shape, twist, and hold the curls in place.

Mustache Styles Chart Overview

A quick summary of popular mustache styles:

  1. Chevron: Thick and wide, covering the top border of the upper lip. Think Tom Selleck.
  2. Dali: Thin with sharp, upward turns. Inspired by Salvador Dalí.
  3. English: Thin and long, often split in the middle and extending beyond the lips.
  4. Fu Manchu: Long, downward pointing ends, usually beyond the face.
  5. Pencil: A thin line above the upper lip. Clark Gable was a popular icon for this style.
  6. Horseshoe: Resembles an upside-down U, connecting to the sideburns.
  7. Lampshade: Forms a square shape right above the lip.
  8. Walrus: Bushy and thick, sometimes covering the entire mouth.
  9. Handlebar: Curved ends spiraling towards the cheek. Can be paired with or without a beard.
  10. Pyramid: Triangular in shape, base at the top and tapering down above the lip.

Remember: Mustache styles often evolve with time, and new variations emerge. It’s always a good idea to look up a visual chart to choose a style that best fits your face and personality.


7. Conclusion: The Handlebar’s Timeless Charm

The handlebar mustache isn’t merely about facial hair. It’s a testament to patience, style, and sometimes, rebellion against the ordinary. It echoes stories from the past while still finding relevance today. As we trace the twists and turns of this mustache style, one thing stands clear – the handlebar is more than just a trend; it’s a legacy.

“A man without a mustache is like a cup of tea without sugar.” – English Proverb

[Source: “Moustaches and Men: A Historical Overview,” Jackson T., 2018]

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